Explain the check points in QTP?

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Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / ayappan radhakrishnan

# To check the object propertes in running time.
# Verification point.
# To check actual result and expected result.

actual = OK
expected = OK

* here actual ana expected result are same so "Pass" test

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Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / pooja kanwar

A checkpoint verifies that expected information is
displayed in a Application while the test is running. You
can add ten types of checkpoints to your test for
standard web objects using QTP.
1.Standard Checkpoints- Checks values of an object's
properties.e.g-Check that a radio button is selected.
2.Image Checkpoint- Check the properties values of an
image. e.g-Check that image source file is corrct.
3.Tabel Checkpoint- Check information in tabel. e.g-Check
that value in a tabel cell is correct.
4.Page Checkpoint- Check the characterstics of a web page.
e.g-Check how long a web page takes to load or if a web
page contains broken links.
5.Text Checkpoint- Check that a text string is displayed in
the appropriate place in a web page or application. e.g-
Check whether the expected text string is displayed in the
expected location in a test object.
6.Text Area Checkpoint- Check that a text string is
displayed within defined area in a window- based
application. e.g-Check that an area of a dialog box
includes text that was entered in another part of the
7.Bitmap Checkpoint- Check an area of an web page or
application after capturing it as a bitmap. e.g- Check that
a web page or any portion of it) displayes as expected.
8.Database Checkpoint- Check the contents of the database
accessed by an application or website. e.g- Check that
value in a database query is correct.
9.Accessibility Checkpoint- Identifies areeas of a website
to check for section 508 comliancy. e.g- Check if the image
on a web page include ALT properties, required by the W3C
Web Content Accessibilty guidelines.
10.XML Checkpoint- Check the data content of XML documents.
e.g- Check the content of an element to make sure that its
tags, attributes and values have not changed.
Note:-XML file checkpoint are used to check a specified XML
file; XML application checkpoints are used to check an XML
document within a web page.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 5 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / geetha nagekar

Checkpoint is a feature provided by the QTP which is used
for checking something during the execution at any point of

1.Pre-exucution phase
2.While -execution phase

In this phase it will do the following.
1.It will capture the expected value.
2.it will genarate the corresponding sript statements.

In this phase it will do the following.
1.it will capture the actual value.
2.it will compare the actual value with expected value.
3.Finally it will display the result as pass/fail.

1.Standard checkpoint
2.Bit-map checkpoint
3.Text checkpoint
4.Textarea checkpoint
5.Database checkpoint
6.XML checkpoint
7.Page checkpoint
8.Table checkpoint
9.image checkpoint
10.accessability checkpoint

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / jatin

Check points are used to see the Test Case is passed or
fail, In other words its a point where we compare the
expected output with the actual output,
There are 8 types of check points

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / hari

A checkpoint verifies that expected information is
displayed in a Application while the test is running. We
can add eight types of checkpoints to the test for standard
web objects using qtp.

QTP supports 10 types of check points –
1. Standard Check Point
2. Image Check Point
3. Table Check Point
4. Page Check Point
5. Text CheckPoint
6. Text Area Check Point
7. Bitmap Checkpoint
8. Database Checkpoint
9. Accessibility Check Point
10. XML Check point

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / janu

check points:check points are used to validated the functionality and during run time it compares actual value with expected value.
>if any check point created then the result stored in repository here we can modify the properties etc...

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Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / ghanashyam rabada

A Checkpoint enables you to identify whether the website or application under test is functioning correctly or not by comparing current value for a particular property with the expected value for that property.

Types of checkpoints
1.Standard Checkpoint
2.Image Checkpoint
3.Bitmap Checkpoint
4.Table Checkpoint
5.Accessibility Checkpoint
7.Page Checkpoint
8.XML Checkpoint
9. Database Checkpoint

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Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / sum

there So Cool Almost Like My EX:Zack

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Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / anilkumar

1.standard checkpoint
10 table
Text Area Checkpoint
It is used for checking the test present in a specified
area. It can be inserted only through application but not
through active screen.
5) Data Base Check Point
It is used for checking the contents of a database.
6) XML (Extended Markup Language) Checkpoint
It is used for checking the contents of an XML file.
It is a universally understandable language and used for
data transformations.
Web Checkpoints
7) Page Checkpoint
It is used for checking the properties of a web page like
Load time, Number of Links and number of Images.
8) Table Checkpoint:
It is used for checking the contents of a web table.
9) Image Checkpoint
10) Accessibility Checkpoint
It is used for checking whether the page can be accessible
by more number of people or not. In order to check the same
actually it checks whether the page is developed according
to the WWW (world wide web Consorted) standards or not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / aruvaa ayappan

# To check the object propertes in running time.
# Verification point.
# To check actual result and expected result.

actual = OK
expected = OK

* here actual ana expected result are same so "Pass" test

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 12 No

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