what are ur weakpoints?

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what are ur weakpoints?..

Answer / hari

anybody who takes up an interview is expected to face such
a question..so be prepared for it.....these are some of the
possible answer u cud give when faced with such a
situation...never give a direct answer to this
question...the answer shud be a positive one in

"I am impatient, and I like to get things done and done
quickly and get frustrated when politics and red tape slow
down projects
'My weakness was getting frustrated when "leadership" fails
to make decisions or lead,'
'I get impatient when organizations or groups say they want
something, don't take the initiative, or make the decision
to make it happen, pass it off to someone else, and then
criticize how it's done....try it out....it works...all the
best to u all

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what are ur weakpoints?..

Answer / baby

everyone has some weakpoints,but for me my weak point is talk less and work more....that's it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 4 No

what are ur weakpoints?..

Answer / dipti kadam

There is nothing like a week point ,
My answer is that there is some area where I need to be
improve ,but that is not my week point because i want to
improve that area where i m week

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 8 No

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