Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and
how many test cases you ran in regression testing...
suppose there is 1000 test cases is there how many test
cases again you run .. 1000 test caes r how many...

thanx in advance..

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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / nanda


Generally we do regression testing when ever Bug is fixed
by developer and after retesting.
and also when ever new functionality added to existing

# Regression testing it self suggests that it is not
# When a bug is fixed/new functionality is added, we need to
make a prior plan about what are the functionalities will be
affected by that change.
# After we identify the impact, we can get the test cases
out of those functionalities and consider them as regression
test cases for that scenario.
# Considering an example, If yahoo decides to make the
username “Case Sensitive”. Then the functionalities which
will be affected will be:

1. Sign-Up, where you register your self.
2. Sign-In or Login to the application.
3. Forgot Username/Password.

# Out of the above functionalities in “Sign-Up”, you need to
concentrate only on the validations out of the
username/password fields and the rest of the field level
validations are not required to consider.
# By this you can guess what can be the regression test
cases. If still have doubt, let me know.

With Regards..


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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / minni

Regression testing is usually done on a modified build.
Selection of regression testcases depends upon which
functionality is changed and the testcases which cover
those functionality are selected and also select those
testcases that failed in the lastbuild.
U have to select all these testcases from ur 1000
testcase suite.

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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / jayaprakash

Its not necessary to verify all the modules, first need to
check what are the requirements will pass through the Sign
up modules and the area where the code has been fixed,
select only those testcases and apply regression testing.

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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / rama

Based on tracebility matrix we have to decide what are the
functionalities effected and how many test cases will do
regression testing.

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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / surendra

Hi Nanda,

You are ans. is right.. but in one project , soo many
people are working..

for ex. if i am working on "signup" page , another one do
other stuff.. this time bug came at " sign in " page ..at
that time we need to test all the modules naa? it is
possible to test all test cases ? ...

please give me reply...

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Hi Friends... What you are doing in Regression Testing and how many test cases you ran in regressi..

Answer / raghu

We do have a tool VSS whcih is a configuration management
tool...if there are any changes in the application this
helps you to keep in SINC with each other so that we can
write the test cases according to the changes.

if any thing wrong pls let me know

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