I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP?
In my opinion we can write scipts in expert view or there
is another option where we can write scripts. plz tell me.

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I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in e..

Answer / aparna.v

We can write the scripts either by recording the
application or manually entering the objects in the object
repository and writing the code in expert view

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I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in e..

Answer / g.v.prasada rao

Yes, Aparna and Sushma ,u both r write and thanks for reply
and one more option is there in qtp that is Function


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I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in e..

Answer / sushma

there is only one way for scripting that is "expert
view".it depends on you whether u r following recording or

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I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in e..

Answer / gurpreet

Thanks a lot Aparna and Sushma for the answers.

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I am a beginner plz tell me,how do we write scripts in QTP? In my opinion we can write scipts in e..

Answer / rajaputra

If you are perfect in the Descriptive programing, you can
write the script in notepad and call that script from QTP

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