what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the
recovery scenario in QTP? what are the advantages of the
recovery scenarios in QTP?

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what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the recovery scenario in QTP? what are the a..

Answer / kavitha

Generally we go for this recovery scenario manager to
handle known errors which are occurred in un known places at
runtime we can use this.

we have four events in this recovery scenario manger
advantages of this,

application crash- to handle crashed applications at runtime
we can use this event

pop-up window- to handle unwanted windows of application
build at runtime we can use this event

test run error-to handle vb script statement errors at
runtime we can use this event

object state-to handle object related errors at runtime we
can use this event

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 7 No

what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the recovery scenario in QTP? what are the a..

Answer / kondalrao

output result in not failed but temparory output as (Not
success) with warning then it is known as recoveryscenario
qtp as the tools and select recovery scenario as 4 types
1.pop up window
2.object state
3.error handling

for eg:flightreservation
login and password with recording close the
application(result will be passed)
in this last statement used in name after
result will be failed(please enter password)
go to tools and select recovery scenario as first pop
widow used in this application to click on next button
add keyboard and mouse operation and select the hand icon
means to select (enter the password) add the object as not
click(click the add object not the next button this not
selected)next click on finished and saved the file finally
result(not failed and not passed ) temperory execution with

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 11 No

what is recovery scenario in QTP? what is the need of the recovery scenario in QTP? what are the a..

Answer / jaspreet kaur vohra

Unexpected events, errors, and application crashes during a run session can disrupt your run session and distort results. This is a problem particularly when tests run unattended—the test pauses until you perform the operation needed to recover. To handle situations such as these, QuickTest enables you to create recovery scenarios and associate them with specific tests. Recovery scenarios activate specific recovery operations when trigger events occur. For information on when to use recovery scenarios, see Deciding When to Use Recovery Scenarios.

The Recovery Scenario Manager provides a wizard that guides you through the process of defining a recovery scenario, which includes a definition of an unexpected event and the operations necessary to recover the run session. For example, you can instruct QuickTest to detect a Printer out of paper message and recover the run session by clicking the OK button to close the message and continue the test.

A recovery scenario consists of the following:

Trigger Event. The event that interrupts your run session. For example, a window that may pop up on screen, or a QuickTest run error.
Recovery Operations. The operations to perform to enable QuickTest to continue running the test after the trigger event interrupts the run session. For example, clicking an OK button in a pop-up window, or restarting Microsoft Windows.
Post-Recovery Test Run Option. The instructions on how QuickTest should proceed after the recovery operations have been performed, and from which point in the test QuickTest should continue, if at all. For example, you may want to restart a test from the beginning, or skip a step entirely and continue with the next step in the test.
Recovery scenarios are saved in recovery scenario files. A recovery scenario file is a logical collection of recovery scenarios, grouped according to your own specific requirements.

To instruct QuickTest to perform a recovery scenario during a run session, you must first associate the recovery scenario with that test. A test can have any number of recovery scenarios associated with it. You can prioritize the scenarios associated with your test to ensure that trigger events are recognized and handled in the required order. For more information, see Adding Recovery Scenarios to Your Test.

When you run a test for which you have defined recovery scenarios and an error occurs, QuickTest looks for the defined trigger events that caused the error. If a trigger event has occurred, QuickTest performs the corresponding recovery and post-recovery operations.

You can also control and activate your recovery scenarios during the run session by inserting Recovery statements into your test. For more information, see Programmatically Controlling the Recovery Mechanism.

Note: If you select On error in the Activate recovery scenarios box in the Recovery pane of the Test Settings dialog box, the recovery mechanism does not handle triggers that occur in the last step of a test. If you chose this option and need to recover from an unexpected event or error that may occur in the last step of a test, you can do this by adding an extra step to the end of your test.

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