How do we Access, retriew and edit the runtime objects in
Automation Testing using QTP

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How do we Access, retriew and edit the runtime objects in Automation Testing using QTP..

Answer / kumar

To access runtime objects we can use GETROProperty
and SETTOProperty to change the TESTOBJECT property in QTP.

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How do we Access, retriew and edit the runtime objects in Automation Testing using QTP..

Answer / nalini

We can access the runtime objects by its properties. Ex:
GetROProperty method

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How do we Access, retriew and edit the runtime objects in Automation Testing using QTP..

Answer / baba

We cannot edit runtime objects in Automation Testing, bcoz
Runtime objects means the Objects available in AUT,
we can only use the properties available for objects and we
can change the property/properties available in OR during
runtime by using SETTOPROPERTY

We can retrieve the property and its value by using


dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").SetTOProperty "text","Cance"
print dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").GetROProperty("text")

it returns "Cance"

it is changing the property value during runtime.

please check it once in ur QTP

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