how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the
following program how it ll work plz explain to me

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how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / ratan

All above answers are wrong.
Correct answer is
This is because the value "i" is decremented twice (once in
the loop and second time in the printf() function).

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 2 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / manju

The output for the given for loop is
5 3 1.
why because...
first the value of (i=5)>=0,so 5 is printed.After that i
value is decremented because of i-- in the printf() and
again i value is decremented as specified in for loop.
Now the value of i=3.
Again the loop will be continued untill the value of i
becomes 0.

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / jinga lala


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how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / aparna

both of the answers are wrong

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how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / suresh reddy

The correct answer is



in for loop "i--" statement is there and again in printf
statement "i--" is there.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / rima

It will give compilatiin error "warning: passing argument 1
of âprintfâ makes pointer from integer without a cast",
because the syntax of printf is not right.
And it would have been printf("%d",i--);
Then correct answer is 531.

This is the correct answer rest all are wrong.[:)]

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / vishnu

ur printf syntax is wrong so..u'll will get syntax error

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / devi dayal jangra

syntax error.... in prinf...but it should be corrected then
the result will be
Note ...
in first run I=5; printf(i--) print I which is 5 and store 4
in i.
in second run i-- means 4-1=3 then printf(i--) print 3 and
store 2 in i.
in third run... i-- measn 2-1=1 then printf(i--) print 1 and
store 0 in i.
then decreament statement i-- store 1=-1 and when compare
-1>=0 become false and goto next statement after that loop.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / binz

Answer is

But you should change your printf statement to printf("%d",

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how does the for loop work actually..suppose for the following program how it ll work plz explain ..

Answer / mahender

printf prints value by using format spicefiers
bt in this printf(i--);

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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