why 'c' is called middle level language.

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why 'c' is called middle level language...

Answer / chetan raikwar

C is a middle level language because it can manipulate the operating system up to a minor level. In simple words -
"it can communicate with hardware,and can also make operating systems and user application. But it can't make very user friendly or GUI based application and fails at doing some complicated tasks like developing a good GUI for an application and Gaming etc."
" To be capable in doing all that, C was upgraded with C++ and later on C# , VC++ etc. "
C's upgraded versions are high level programming languages yet C will remain the same always.So it's still called a middle level language.

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why 'c' is called middle level language...

Answer / guest

C is a language that can be used to develop both 'user
applications' and 'operating systems'. It allows you to have
access to the machine language itself if you so choose (inline
asm). Most of the unix operating system is written in C. It is
a great language to start with (IMHO) because it contains the
basic concepts of computer programming. As well as giving you
a feel for what actually goes on in the machine itself. Higher
level languages abstract you from the machine, usually (again
IMHO) focusing more on the rapid development of Applications.
Remembering that C++ was originally developed as C with
classes, learning C is (again IMHO) almost a pre-requisite for
learning C++.

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