Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?

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Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / nonsikelelo

the animals need energy 4 them to survive

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Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / kylie tay

When plants photosynthesize,they produce energy and when animals eat it, the energy would go into the animal.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 16 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / rohan made

Plants produce their own food by process of photosynthesis . Animals are depend on plants for food because they may be omnivores or carnivores . So, all animals depend on plants for food.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / ahmed ashraf

Because when plant photosynthesize, they produce food and energy. But animals can't make their own food. So animals depent on plants to get food and energy.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 8 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / jesza mae

Animals depend upon green plants for their food because plants produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and food source. Every animal eat other animals, this animals depend on plants because the other animal or prey eats green plants. Without green plants animals can have source of energy because the prey that they eat eats green plants. Without the energy of the prey that the other animals eat the other animal can have energy that comes from the prey.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 22 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / jas ghag

it is becoz plants = herbivores = carnivore = omnivore it is a relation or a cycle

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Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / shagufta

animals cannot make own food, plants make food with the
help of cholorophyl,so animals depends on plantfor their

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 14 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / snoopdog

food is good and i like food so i eat food but cows like sanic and all that csnt lol spoodermsn to the rescue

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 14 No

Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / saurav

animal make their food resoures as plant because animal cannot make their own food and plant make there by the help of chlorophyle and it make easy for animal to survive their life with the help of plant..................

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Why do the animals depend upon the green plants for their food ?..

Answer / question

Animals can't make their own food so the reason why they
eat plants and other animals is because they can't make
their own food.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 26 No

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