Zoology Interview Questions
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what is the function of bicuspid or mitral valve in human heart?

Aakash Institute,

7 22869

what are the different stages in the life histoty of dibothriocephalus?

1 4534

coral reefs are how many types?name them?

PH.D Interview,

1 4901

explain signet ring stage in erythrocytic cycle of plasmodium?

3 22459

differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?

3 33854

what r tidemann's bodies?where do u find them?

1 5162

what is a keber's organ?with what function it associates?

3 22911

differentiate miracidium and cercaria larval forms?

1 5282

what is osphradium?


2 11436

what r ambulacral ossicles?what is its importance in phylum echinodermata?

1 8179

what are the constituents of human semen?

1 9735

what is the function of ovipositor in houseflies?

1 5022

what actually happens during window period of HIVinfection?

2 4849

what is the meaning of the word "kwashiorkor"?

1 4987

what is the difference between complicated fractures and comminnuted fractures?

1 3907

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Un-Answered Questions { Zoology }

Describe the digestive system of Acoelomates and how it functions without a coelom.


If a dog’s ears go back define what emotions might it be communicating?


Which is a common domesticated animal that is colour blind?


What are the general trends in processing and consumption?


Which is the smallest member of the fox family?


Which animal has the characteristics of both mammals and birds?


How do molluscs grow their shells?


Name the south american animal which is camel like but short statured?


Which is the smallest dog on the earth?


Explain the reproductive strategies and processes observed in Acoelomates.


What is an oviparous animal?


As a biologist studying Acoelomates, what techniques or methods would you use to investigate their physiology and behavior?


Discuss the modern synthetic theory evolution


Which camel has two humps?


Can you compare and contrast Acoelomates with other types of animals, such as Pseudocoelomates and Coelomates?