I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a
member. What happens if I submit it?

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I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / guest

Multiple jobs are submitted (as many jobs as the number of
JOB cards).

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I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / gaurav

We have put number of job card in a single JOb. It will
treat each Job card as a new Job. So if you put 10 Jobcard
statement,means you are submitting 10 Jobs

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / guest

It will not give any error .All the Jobs will be
submitted.If all the jobs are of same
job name then they will go one by after another in FIFO
bases.If their names are different,then dependin on
availability of initiator,multiple jobs can run concurrently

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / mohammadanis

All the Jobs will be submitted.If all the jobs are of same
job name then they will go one by after another in FIFO
bases.If their names are different,then dependin on
availability of initiator,multiple jobs can run concurrently

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / satish.m.s

all jobs will be submitted.if all the job name is same then
based on based on FIFO if job name is different then based
on avaliablity of initiator multiple jobs are submitted

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I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / prashanthkodakani

all the jobs will submited.............

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I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / raghavendra

U can have any number of jobs in a memeber. All the jobs
with different JOB cards get submitted as long as u wont
code // at the end of each job

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / ekta agrawal

you can submit any nor of jobs in a jcl
but ther name should be unique they will be executed in the
order u specified them untill you sets the priority.

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I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / siddhartha

whenever ur submitting multiple jobs @ a same time u'l hav
give the priority for the execution of jobs. according to
the priority the jobs will b executed 1 by 1.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?..

Answer / satyasivaji.ch

We can submitt as many number of jobs as we can,but each job
seperated by // statement.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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