How are datasets concatenated?

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How are datasets concatenated?..

Answer / guest

Datasets are concatenated by writing a normal DD statement
for the first dataset and then adding a DD statement without
a DDNAME for each dataset to be concatenated in the order
they are to be read. The following is an example of three
datasets concatenated:




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How are datasets concatenated?..

Answer /

Datasets to be concatenated are to be included on the dd
statements in the following order,bigger size first and
lower size as soo on,and datasets to be of same type(means
ps to ps or pds to pds).Must be on same device like we can't
concatenate the datasets which resides on tape with disk,n
same size.etc are the rules to be followed wen we
concatenate the data sets

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How are datasets concatenated?..

Answer / chandru3

Datasets are concatenated by writing a normal DD statement for the first dataset and then adding a DD statement without a DDNAME for each dataset to be concatenated in the order they are to be read.


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