I have 5 save buttons in my application on 5 different tabs one after the another . I have spy them and added each of them in my OR. My Or is able to highlight each button on each of the 5 tabs. But when I run the script it does not click the object.Is there anything I have to edit in OR. Any property to add or delete?

Below are the properties of 5 save buttons. My code for each is like browser().page().savebutton1.click

Properties of 5 buttons
Dhopare, Namita
Sent: September 2, 2015 2:57 PM
Vullengala, Jagadeeshchandra
"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=btnSaveTab1",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSaveTab1"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a1').click();"" name=""btnSaveTab1"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",

"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=btnSave",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input id=""btnSave"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a2').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",

"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a3').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",

"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=BtnExternalPartySve",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input id=""BtnExternalPartySve"" class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a4').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",

"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input class=""Button"" onclick=""document.getElementById('a5').click();"" value=""Save"" type=""button"">",

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I have 5 save buttons in my application on 5 different tabs one after the another . I have spy them ..

Answer / bradan

'I may be failing to understand you right but according to what you have paste i can see that "html id" is unique on some of the properties.
'1. Your properties to me look strange as "name" property is the same through all
'2. "Html id" is unique but on other 2 properties that you have paste we don't have the value for htlm id
'3. I have created the following solution based on the properties that are with html id according to your problem

' I'll suggest you to try the following;

Set objButtonClick=description.Create
Set objSearch=Browser("creationtime:=0").Page("Title:=.*").ChildObjects(objButtonClick)
'Let's see how many button are in the current browser open
MsgBox objSearch.count
'Please remove the msgbox line if everything is fine
For i=1 To objSearch.Count -1
'I usually use "name" inside GetROProperty method but on your case i'll use "html id" as it the one that is unique
results=trim(objSearch(i).GetROProperty("html id"))
' "btnSaveTab1" is optional
If instr(results,"btnSaveTab1")<>0 Then
Exit For
End If

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