What is the different between Company and Company Code?
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Answer / vijay
Company means the name we define it as a legal entity name
in which may be the company registered or the company wants
its name as a header on the reports whereas the company
code is the numeric code that allots to each exclusive
company names.
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Answer / jm
Company refers to large corporate groups. It is used for
consolidation of company codes.It is identified with 6 digit
a/n keys
Company code refers to independent legal and balancing
accounting entity. It is identified with 4 digit a/n keys.
Financial statements required by laws are created at this level.
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Answer / laxmi narayana reddy.g
company: consolidation reporting purpose we need to create trading partner nothing but company or group
company code: com code is a legal entity. sap all configuration steps done at company code level. company codes are used to extract the financial reports for external reporting purpose.
eg: profit&loss account balance sheet etc
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