If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the
angle between the hour and the minute hands

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If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / joanna xia

7.5 degrees

Is This Answer Correct ?    115 Yes 10 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / indar

the ans = 7.5

Logic :

* Every 1 hr the hour hand moves 30 degrees
* And for minute hand moves 90 degrees in every 15 mins

So, counting from 12:00 o'clock, at 3:15 the minute hand
would be at 90 degrees and the hour hand would be at 3*30 +
30/4 = 97.5 (Note- 1hr is divided into four 15mins.)

So at 3:15 the Difference in angle is 97.5 - 90 = 7.5

Is This Answer Correct ?    78 Yes 4 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / kumar rohit

At 3:15 it will be counted as 6+3/2 degrees i.e. 7.5
degrees.(according to above logic)

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 4 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / chandresh

- Every 1 hr the hour hand moves 30 degrees (360 % 12 hours)
- Every 1 min the hour hand moves ½ degrees (30 % 60 mins)

So, at 3:15 the minute hand would be at 90 degrees and
the hour hand would be at 3 hours * 30 o + 15 mins * ½ o =
97.5 degrees

Difference in angle is 97.5 - 90 = 7.5o Degrees

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 2 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / ankit

the correct formula to find angle is 30*hour11/2*minutes
here hour =3, minutes=15 so answer is 30*3-11/2*15=7.5

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 2 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / clarity

First convert all to a common unit of time:
1 hour = 60 min
1 min = 1min
Next determine how long it takes each hand to go once
around the clock (i.e., 360 degrees)
Hour-hand = 12 hours = 720min (i.e., 12*60)
Minute-hand = 1 hour = 60min
Next determine how many degrees each hand moves per minute
Hour-hand = 360/720 = 0.5 degrees/min
Minute-hand = 360/60 = 6 degrees/min
Next determine the displacement of each hand from zero
degrees after 3 hours and 15 minutes (assuming that both
hands started at zero degrees (i.e. 12 o’clock))
3 hours and 15 minutes = 195 min
Hour-hand = 195 * 0.5 = 97.5degrees
Minute-hand = 15 * 6 = 90 degrees
**Note: remember that this is the displacement from 12
o’clock and the minute hand restart from 12 o’clock every

Finally calculate the difference in degrees between the two
97.5 – 90 = 7.5 degrees

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / tarzan2302

anyone thought of digital watch?

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 14 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / s.venkata bheemachar


The total angle made by the minute hand during an hour is 360o. If it takes 360o for an hour, it will take 40/60 *360= 240o. The angle between the hour hand the minute hand will therefore, be somewhere between 240 - 90 = 150o, as the hour hand is between 3 and 4.

The angle made by the hour hand when it moves from say 3 to 4 will be 30o. That is the hour hand makes 30o during the course of an hour.

The hour hand will therefore, move 40/60 *30= 20o.

Therefore, the net angle between the hour hand and the minute hand will be 150 - 20 = 130o.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 8 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / alex

The answer is 360 degrees ! How the can u have 7.5 degree angle between 2 things that lie on the same line ?? u gotta b stupid ! seriously .

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 34 No

If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute han..

Answer / ram

0 degress

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 61 No

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