Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Differentiate verification and validation?


What is the difference between stlc and sdlc?


Functional and Integration test scenarios for actitime application


can you show me the test cases on registration form


Imagine you are in an empty room with a fan, a bulb and an air conditioning system. There is a switch board on the wall with 32 switches and 2 plug points. You are tasked with testing this setup. Assume you are not given any requirements whatsoever. How would you approach it? What would be your priorities? If you make any assumptions, do state them.

1 2226

What are all the important Key Metrics in Software Testing?

1 882

My name is Akpos from Nigeria. I have finished manual testing course. Please, can someone advise me where to go on from here?


I have interview on Guide wire testing. If you please share me.


Negative test cases for phone camera


How to do cards Testing? And give sample test cases please? And tell me about vision plus card?


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Hi Friends, I have completed 3 rounds of an Interview with HR discussion also and got Offer letter from Cognizant, but after in 30 min they send one more email like Offer is on Hold, and its not valid... Could you please guide me any one , Can i expect Offer again from Cognizant or Can i drop the hopes ?.


what are the templates for daily,weekly and monthly reports? plz reply ASAP.


how will the test plan is pepared in ur organisation>?


Explain the sub-genres of performance testing?


Diffrence b/w functional testing,functionality testing,system testing?


can any body tell me what is the process of between after getting a documents and testcase writing.


write test case for gmail login page


What does you mean by positive and negative testing & what is the difference between them. Can anyone explain with an example?


in an online banking software,users are connecting to bankserver by login.This login module can take below inputs for user. a/c number prefix-3 digits but doesnot start with 0&1 a/c number sufix-6 digits number password-5to 10 chars alphanumerics in lowercase areacode-3 digits number but optional purpose- cheque deposit money trasfer mini statement bills pay After filling above fields,user can click submit button to connect to bank server.prepare test scenarios for online banking s/w login.


What is quality center? What are the modules of quality center?


What is the purpose of test strategy?


Hi, Anybody knows about Hexaware company..


test cases for Insurance Processing System ?


For any web application, what are the possible login features that should be tested?


Write 2 scenarios for Integration testing? Please let me know its urgent.