Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Orthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the coverage of the test cases devised for relatively small input domains. is it true.explain orthogonal testing


1 5444

Testing OO class operations is made more difficult by Option 1 Encapsulation Option 2 Inheritance Option 3 Polymorphism Option 4 Both Inheritance and Polymorphism


2 12637

Scenario-based testing Option 1 concentrates on actor and software interaction Option 2 misses errors in specifications Option 3 misses errors in subsystem interactions Option 4 Both 1 abd 2



what is buddy testing ?

4 5905

ad-hoc testing is not organized, it's not repeatable, it can't be tracked, and when it's complete, there's no proof that it was ever done. is it?

2 3522

Hi, Please answer this qns. "What is the test strategy and list of design characteristics for a login screen?" thank u

1 3124

How can write testcases on a code under development pls give asnwer


Changes and enhancements to system?



Give example of High Severity and low Priority Bug you filed?


2 6097

Difference between XP and Vista?

nvidia, TCS,

2 7025

What is AGP?what is setup.inf?What are the ways to install driver?



How many operating system you can installed on one machine? What is NTFS and FAT32?


8 12547

Write as many test cases of InternerExplorer compatibilty on test ON wiNDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM?


8 11667

what is function testing?


8 9454

After testing the application May I have to keep a Test Log of the application ? If Yes then how? And What is the format for it?

1 3835

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

You have a testing team of 10 members, and now you have to reduce it by 5 member and you dont want to increase risk in your product, you are try to cover all functionality to test. What test Strategy you follow.


explain ur testing project? how can u nexplain . what should we explain ? i have not worked on any project?


types of reviews?Advantages of reviews? Diff between process and procedure? diff b/w verification and validation? diff b/w cmm,cmmi? exp tqm,gqm,iso,ieee? Roles and responsibilities of tester? Ricks,types of ricks? what r Quality factors?


How to write test case for view the table(i.e it is already stored in database and see the content in the table)


What’s the difference between verification and validation in testing?


Hi friends Does anyone have screen shot of POWERMHS and please can anyone post anything which will be helpful to understand POWERMHS. thanks.


how many modules in ur bank project? what functionalities r there?how did u check? could u plz expalin ur banking project?


Q) Create Preffered customer: As a customer when i purchase more than $5000 in goods since my first purchase, I become a preffered customer so that i can receive the benefits associated with that status.


Hi guys,I have 3+ years of exp in manual testing in a bangalore based MNC company.I Like to jump in chennai.So please if u know any jobs in chennai firms please let me know in my email-id. cheers, anbarasu.


What is software review?


Build with fixes has been deployed on QA environment if asked by your manager to reproduce how can you reproduce the issues? (by using the previous build) Can you access the previous build? If so ,what are the tools or how can you access?


what is the main field of bugzilla which we fill to report bug to any developers???give some brief description??


What is virtual creation tool?


what is e-tester?


What is a testing process / lifecycle?