Dot Net AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

does .NET support multiple inheritance ?

Ness Technologies,

13 22292

how do u achieve multilevel inheritance in .NET ?

Accenture, Ness Technologies, SteelWedge,

9 19373

what is stage management ? (ASP.NET)

Ness Technologies,

5 11450

what is session management ?

Ness Technologies,

3 8732

How can u manage state ?

Ness Technologies,

2 5987

how can u manage sessions ?

Ness Technologies,

3 6407

Explain in-proc,out-proc and sql server.

G7 CR Technologies, Ness Technologies,

4 51725

how would you manage data if u were not to use sessions or cookies ?

Ness Technologies,

2 5660

which would be the best to use inproc,outproc or sql server

Ness Technologies,

2 7240

how to manage session in webgarden ?

Binary Logics, Ness Technologies,

3 9697

What is a Windows Service and how does its lifecycle differ from a "standard" EXE?

Siebel Systems,

2 8561

How can a win service developed in .NET be installed or used in Win98?

1 3492

What is this DLL hell problem in dotnet? Can a virtual class be created/can a virtual method be created inside the class?


3 14290

what is

BirlaSoft, HCL,

8 9837

Difference between abstract class and interface

Accenture, Altruist, Baba Group, CitiGroup, Fiserv, HCL, IBM, iGate, Infosys, Jean Martin, Karthik Industries, Microsoft, OnDLine, TCS,

100 278234

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Un-Answered Questions { Dot Net AllOther }

how to delete the record using data reader


Xmlserializer is throwing a generic "there was an error reflecting myclass" error. How do I find out what the problem is?


How to improve the cache performance? : .NET Architecture


Explain the difference between l1 and l2 cache? : .NET Architecture


what is tracing? Where it used?


Explain the difference between primary & secondary storage device? : Dot net architecture


can u give me real example of how web.config overrides the machine.config file?


Explain hard disk? : Dot net architecture


So what exactly is the configuration file for then?


HttpHendler and HttpModules


How to upload in video,mp4,in .net 4.5 ..?


Explain cache memory? : .NET Architecture


what is diffrent beatween localprinter and networkprinter


What is msil, and why should my developers need an appreciation of it if at all?


When do I need to use gc.keepalive?