Dot Net AllOther Interview Questions
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which class library is used to find unique key?

1 2873

can Array contains different datatypes ?

5 4685

what are ACID properties ?

3 4762

which tag i need to use manually to bind columns in a datagrid ?

2 3067

Difference between throw exception and rethrowing ?


when garbage collector come into picture. ?

2 3922

how u maintain data while navigating one page to another?

2 4846

What is serialization, how it works in .NET?

1 4097

What should one do to make class serializable?

1 2800

What exactly is being serialized when you perform serialization? scope in C# ?

1 4345

How Web service create Proxy Using WSDL?

1 3342

How to call .NET Web service from Java Appl. & Why ?

1 3033

Is .NET really support fully OOP Concept?

1 3234

How can i create only one instance of class and thus doesn't allow creating any more instances?

1 3056

Explain the differences between Server-side and Client-side code?

2 3742

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Un-Answered Questions { Dot Net AllOther }

What actually happes when you add a something to arraylistcollection ?


What are the five stages in a dlx pipeline? : Dot net architecture


How does an appdomain get created?


What is boxing and unboxing? Does it occure automaatically or you need to write code to box and unbox?


Explain Intermediate Language?


What is .net mobile lists. Explain with an example? : Microsoft dot net mobile


How does .net remoting work?


Do you know textbox and textview controls of .net mobile? : Microsoft dot net mobile


How can we perform data binding in atlas?


What's the difference between an application and a program?


What is the difference between absolute expiration and sliding-time expiration?


Can you explain server controls in atlas?


Explain about common language infrastructure?


Explain domestic architecture artifacts? : .NET Architecture


4. Wcf- what Asych and Sych call and how that works