You want to stop the network from attaching further material after it is released. How would you do that?
752Post New SAP PS (Project Systems) Questions
Explain poject management
Forming a team, developing the team and improving knowledge are direct responsibilities of the project manager, do you agree?
How should changes controlled?
What are the types of risks you may encounter in a project?
What is the difference between validation & substitution?
What are the important processes for project integration management?
List the parameters of project system.
How to set field status of wbs as mandatory, (wbs element, and ntw) ?
What are time & material contracts?
What does procurement administrator involve?
What is sap grc fraud management?
What is project coding mask?
explain unit costing
What do time profiles do?
What is work breakdown structure (wbd) and how does it affect the work estimates of tasks/activities?