Solaris Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What r the daemons for DNS , Veritas, Apache,NFS Server & Client 4How can u configure two DHCP and Two DNS servers r there and u have 100's of users then 1st system takes which DHCP server and which DNS sever 5 what is the use of NIS how can u configure 6 what is the use RAID and which is the best(Solaris) 7 in RAID 5 and RAID 0+1 which u will preffer (Veritas)

HCL, IBM, Tech Mahindra,

3 6416

How to use disk quotas in solaris (command mode) ? what is the procedure for checking disk space of the particular user in command mode?


7 17942

what is the back up software we r using in solaris 8,9,10

2 5106

How to configure domain controller in SAMBA using SOLARIS 10 OS and How to centralize domain name and creating users.How to share files for WINDOWS XP clients


1 6035

what is the main difference between windows , unix ,linux, operating syatems? And why the companies in the industry prefer to use solaris os ? why may be the reason?

1 6499

what is the difference between solaris 8&9,


2 5337

wts differnce between svm&vxvm?

4 6824

wht is the difference between mkfs & newfs.... is there any difference..b/w both of them.?


7 15774

How many secondary groups allows to add..?

5 5910

What r the different file systems..?

2 3700

which information superblock contains..?whre u can find the bootblock..?

3 7232

If ping command is not working then how to check the status of the server..?

2 8257

what is the use of /etc/path-to-inst file..?

4 6214

what is major number and what is minor number..?


3 10259

How will u give a write permission to user inthe group when all other users in that group have only read permission.?

1 3481

Un-Answered Questions { Solaris }

How can a user login to solaris? What is the login shell?


What causes the rpc.ttdbserverd process to be cpu bound?


How do you remove a swap space?


How do you break the root password?


How to create core dump and crash dump #coreadm .


How can a user increase the number of pseudo-ttys?


What is shmmax (max-shm-memory in solaris 10+)?


Explain the run levels that are used in solaris10?


Write the steps involved in creating and executing a program to implement the “case” command.


What is semopm (max-sem-ops in solaris 10+)?


what is the importance of swap memory and how it will supports?


How can a user access a dos-format disk in solaris?


Explain the vmstat output?


When iam loging in to my system as a normal user through the telnet I am not able to login, the message appears on the screen is unable to connect the host:the connection is refused. Please tell me the answers as soon aspossible?


Explain semmns?