Solaris AllOther Interview Questions
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Suppose if u want to reconfigure the kernel then how ur going to do?

3 7157

You can ping servers on the subnet your workstation is on, but not other subnets. Why?

2 5395

If you can ping a server, but can't telnet or ssh to it, whats wrong?


8 36703

If you mistype a password, how do you clear it out to retype the password again?

Genpact, WNS,

11 24737

If fsck is running, one thind u should not do.. what's that?

3 6948

If you try to send an e-mail to someone and the following message appear "Message Undeliverable", what could be wrong?


3 7709

How do you give a user access to an application or program that needs to run as root without giving them the root password?

3 8067

How can you set EEPROM settings from Solaris?

Aricent, HP,

4 15671

What is OBP and how u r going to access it?

3 10517

What is LOM and how ur going to access it?

3 7207

What is VTS..??

3 6141

What is meant by jumpstart?


2 5301

What is JASS?


1 5933

Difference between NFS version 2 and NFS version 3?

2 7794

What is RPC? Why do I need it?

5 13681

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Un-Answered Questions { Solaris AllOther }

Local zone in shutting down to bring state of zone to installed?


What is the zone in DNS?


How to create a gateway?


what is mean by netfmd in sun cluster what is the use of netfmd and what is the relation between ccd and netfmd?


Hi, I need information regarding LDOMS.Like What is LDOMS ,Creation of LDOMS, errors on LDOMS, troubleshooting LDOMS...etc.... pls post the info. Regards, Naresh


when i am starting solaris10 with 'fail safe mode' on intel machine it is asking "#starting shell".what is it and how to solve this problem?


How do u know that,what patch can be applicable on the system?


how can u give space garentee for volume in netapp storage


hi to all,, i need few real time issues please provide me,, if you have any,,,


What is the use of Sam utility in solaris


What is cachefs?


In a two node cluster i have typed #hastart command in one node.The cluster is starting in second node also,what is going in background?