COBOL Interview Questions
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how to remove leading spaces and zeroes in a cobol there any easy way to do it

2 20844

How to use the same COBOL program in Batch and CICS on lines? explain with an example



In my table having 3000 Records. How can I delete the 500th row? (we don't know what is data inside the table)

Keane India Ltd,

3 8997

sample code for read a 2nd record from last in flatfile how can do?


4 12545

A cobol program to read a file , match it with other if. If match occurs then write it to an output file. If no match then no need to write it.Error log created by program to track any error.

1 6505

what is lrec=f,what is difference between f,fb,v,vb?what is default value?how do we came to know that records are in f,fb,v,vb?

IBM, Wipro,

2 20591

I had 100 records and i want to execute last three records by using cobol programming?what will be coding?


4 9826

How do get the result of your program directly on your pc?



What is diff between vsam and db2?what is advantage of db2 over vsam?which is best suited one?


1 8467

Hi................... I have records like this aaaa cccc bbbb And i want output like this bbbb cccc aaaa How can it possible ?. Note:Please make sure records are in unsorted order. somebody plzzz help me.

1 5549

what is difference between cobol and cobol/400


1 21582

In file1 have 80 records are like d1,d2,d3......D80. File2 have 1000records are like a1d1,a1d2,a3d3.....Etc. I want matching records in file3 ? Plse tell me the matching logic???I want answer only in cobol ?Not using any tool or jcl?


1 4418

have in 100 records in a file i want to read first 3 records and skip next 3 records and agan i want to read 3 records and again i want to skip 3 records...

ITC Indian Tobacco Company, PNP, TCS,

2 9039

i have n records in one file and in this file there is some fields and i want to count that how many sharma in my file so plz give the coding that how we read sharma ?

2 5908

have in 100 records in a flat file i want to move records like 1,3,5,7,9,11,.. to Output file1 and 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 .. records moved to Output file2..Pls Provide real time answer..


5 10966

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

What is cobol?


What is length is cobol?


Define static linking and dynamic linking.


IF I mention stop run in CICS what happens?


Explain the configuration section of a cobol program with examples of syntax.


What is the usage of comp fields in cobol?


What is the problem of ordered sequential files access?


Differentiate between structured cobol programming and object-oriented cobol programming.


What is a report item?


How do you reference the fixed block file formats from cobol programs


how can i see junk values in dclgen or in hostvariable of comp ?


How are the next sentence and continue different from each other?


What is the difference between comp and comp-3 usage?


What is the local-storage section?


What are various search techniques in cobol? Explain.