COBOL Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What will happen if we generate GDG +2 version instead of +1 version?

T systems,

2 8421

Can we move SPACES to numeric field and ZEROES to alphabetic field? If yes what are the way doing this?

T systems,

6 41830

What will happen if we generate GDG (+2) version without generating (+1) version?

IBM, T systems,

2 19090

How many maximum number of procedures can we write in one COBOL program?

5 8800

Can we MOVE X(9) to 9(9) OR 9(9) to X(9)? If yes what are the ways for doing this?

T systems, Tech Mahindra,

12 59628

What is SDSF?


13 17980

What will happen if we move SPACES to numeric field and ZEROES to alphabetic field?

T systems,

7 28787

What are ISOLATION LEVELS? Where do we need to specify them?


3 9257

What are ISOLATION LEVELS? Where do we need to specify them in compiling JCL (Exactly which statement and what is syntax for it)?

T systems,

2 8404

What are differences between Static Call and Dynamic Call?

IBM, KBC, Keane India Ltd, Verizon,

10 24764

is it possible to rename 01 level?

4 9392

in how many mode we can open a file ?

4 7134

what is the purpose of linkage section?

10 16768

what is the difference between start and startbr?

2 10930

what r the types of perform statement

4 29646

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

What is the usage of comp fields in cobol?


How are the next sentence and continue different from each other?


2 input fles: 2 flat files, with different number of records. both are having unique key for each record and already sorted in ascending order . match these files using unique key and in output only matching key value has to be written. please procide cobol logic


Program A (Normal COBBAT) calling a B Program (DB2COBOL, COBBATDB which is using a VSAM file. its a dynamic call. How we will handle VSAM file decleration in our from JCL from where we are running A PGM. And should we have PLAN for A pGM also. if possible can some one post a sample JCL. Thanks for help in advance.


What is static and dynamic call in cobol?


Explain how you can characterize tables in cobol?


can you please let me know if there is any walkins for COBOL/PLI/DB2/IMS/JCL in pune other than IBM and ITC infotech


Difference between cobol and cobol-ii?


Write a program to enter and display the names of students in a class using the occurs clause.


Is it possible that the redefines clause has different picture clauses compared to the one it redefined?




What are the different types of condition in cobol and write their forms.


What is the difference between external and global variables in COBOL?


What is the Purpose of Pointer in the string?


How to read the 2nd last record of a VSAM file? (The file size is huge and we don't know the key)