how qtp identifies objects of application.

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how qtp identifies objects of application. ..

Answer / prasad

QTP identifies the object in the Application by LogicalName
and Class

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how qtp identifies objects of application. ..

Answer / jagadeeswararao

Qtp identifies objects with their logical name and physical

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how qtp identifies objects of application. ..

Answer / ravi n

In QTP we have object repository once we run application under
test(AUT).the objects are listed in the object repository
with there Logical Name and Physical Description.
One of the among two must be uniqe to identify objects
if two person objects say ravi and ravi
logical name1=ravi description are age=21,sex=m,dob=1/3/86
logicalname2=ravi description are age=22,sex=m.dob=2/12/86
actually object is identified by looking at there physical
descriptions if logical name is minimal

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how qtp identifies objects of application. ..

Answer / gayathri

using object repository,qtp identifies object of an

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how qtp identifies objects of application. ..

Answer / monideepa

through object repository and obj identifier.
if it doesnt recognise we can use object spy or add obj in
the repository manually.

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