If somebody will ask for my weakness, what i should tell

Answer Posted / v g kumar

I do net surfing. It is my biggest weekness as i spend more
than 4-5 hours a day.

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Role of a Hr in a company


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I'm a 2016 passed out B.E student from Tamilnadu.nearly 2 years.. I don't have any proper working experience.. during my interview I told to HR that "I'm a fresher n hv no work experience". He asked me the reason for that 2 years gap...how to answer this question properly .. kindly help me friends...


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We are a manufacturing organisation , the product produced are batch detemined ( every day we have a different Batch No day wise). Part of the finished product produced is taken by another department to manufacture thier final product . We transfer material from one storage location to another and have activtaed the back flush indicator for manufacturing the finished product of department 2. The transfer of the product from dept 1 to dept 2 is of different batches . will the system do automatic back flushing for the final product of dept 2. If yes please let me know.


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I attended an interview with Lycatel, Chennai on December 17th 2010 for AM - Operations. Actually that position was advertised in Hindu and seeing that I walked in an attended the interview. My job and skillset, experience exactly matched to what they require and I was confident about the offer. After 2 weeks, I emailed the HR and he said that "I will update you ASAP" again after a week I emailed him to know that status he again replied "With regards to your email, I will update ASAP". After 2 weeks I drafted a big email to the HR and he replied back saying "The position that you have applied for has been kept on hold, so when the requirement arises, we will get in touch with you shortly". I really dont understand why, because only when there was a requirement, they had advertised in Hindu, now how can they say that when there is a requirement, will let you know. I am confused. After that I have email that HR several times to atleast intimate if its negative, but there has been no reply till date. What should I take this as? Can anyone help me?


Hi Iam working in ltd Company which iam getting 25000 Pm net take home pay. And this iam getting in my native place only. I got offer from BHEL they offer 12300-26000. it means how much mine net take home and morewer is right to change job from my present co to BHEL?


Hi, I need help. Can you please Explain in details the following Unix commands: 1) ls -s | sort -nr | head -3 2) man –k c | grep –i ‘ c* ‘ | grep 1 Thank you, Jordan