What is the difference between macro and subroutine?

Answer Posted / paramjeet

Macros can only be used in the program the are defined in
and only after the definition are expanded at compilation /
generation. Subroutines (FORM) can be called from both the
program the are defined in and other programs . A MACRO is
more or less an abbreviation for some lines of code that are
used more than once or twice. A FORM is a local subroutine
(which can be called external). A FUNCTION is (more or less)
a subroutine that is called external. Since debugging a
MACRO is not really possible, prevent the use of them (I?ve
never used them, but seen them in action). If the subroutine
is used only local (called internal) use a FORM. If the
subroutine is called external (used by more than one
program) use a FUNCTION.

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