bighnaraj behera

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * software engineer
User No # 9820
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Questions / { bighnaraj behera }
Questions Answers Category Views Company eMail

what is the table name of stock of material


4 SAP ABAP 6779

how to placed drop down arrow in the input field of module pool table control/ steploop


3 SAP ABAP 9711

how to upload logo in the smart forms


2 SAP ABAP 9602

how to trasfert script from one server to another server or one clint to another clint


6 SAP ABAP 14069

what is set cursor and get cursor command in module pool


2 SAP ABAP 21895

how many index created for table


10 SAP ABAP 13877

how to download sap Smart form in text format


3 SAP ABAP 10061

without using matchcode ,help view ,check table , domain how to create the search help anybody know this answar plz post imdtly


3 SAP ABAP 7513

what is the RANGES stmt used in ABAP. if anybody know this answer. plz post imdtly


3 SAP ABAP 10010

what is selection text in ABAP


2 SAP ABAP 11523

In sap script how to print bar code in vertical manner



In Badi wher is the standard prograam name to add the additional progaram


1 SAP ABAP 5174

In sap script how to print bar code in vertical manner

CSC, Satyam,


how top handle error in LSMW?


1 SAP ABAP 12126

How data is stored in cluster table?


1 SAP ABAP 4585

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Answers / { bighnaraj behera }

Question { TCS, 6779 }

what is the table name of stock of material



Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 6 No

Question { TCS, 9711 }

how to placed drop down arrow in the input field of module
pool table control/ steploop


use matchcode

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 4 No

Question { TCS, 6506 }

Suppose, we are creating one table. at that time we are
mention table space and size category.
Generally size category is from 0 to 6 is available. suppose
if we are declare size category as 0(zero).
For 0 (zero) the size of rows is from 0(zero) to 19000. I
have 25000 records to insert into table. but table size is
declared as 0(zero). i.e 19000 records. what about remaining
6000 records. shall i insert in to table or not?
if insert how can i do? if not insert what can i do? Please
answer me? i faced this one in TCS interview.


It will create another extent . suppose the primary extent
contain the 19000 record and the next extent or secondary
extent contain the remaining 6000 record . Its created
automatecally by the RDMS. ok

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 0 No

Question { Intelligroup, 4596 }

If u use US Database server? How can access the client?


use vpn in the vpn clint give the user id and password u can
acess through the vpn....

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

Question { IBM, 11672 }

in which table idocs are stored?


hi pradipta this is wrong if u know correct answar then post
naither dont post

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 3 No

Question { HCL, 6824 }

I have 10 records in flat file. In that 7th record is
error record. I want to update to data base. If i used Call
transaction method what about 7 record and what about
8,9,10 records. If i used Session method what happen. Is it
updated or stop at 7th record?


In call Transaction method it depends upon the synchronous
and asynchrounous update in synchrounous it will stop at 7
th record and 7,8,9 record is not updated and BDCMSGCOLL
gives error msg the 7th record. in asynchronous all the
records are updated except 7 record In sesion method
database table is not updated and it will go to sesion log
file . and can analise or correct the error foud in the
data file or program.
if find the error in data file u can correct them
interactevely . other wise u modified the batch input
program. ok thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 0 No

Question { 7055 }

what is the diff b/w error and exceptions


actually error is for error handling in general program .
exception is for error handlin in function module.. ok

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 5 No

Question { IBM, 12185 }



u can use code in loop .. no other way its not use coding

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 3885 }

26) Explain the Importance of each type of window in


Main window is compulsory for script and other type of winow
is constant , variable window u can place for the requirement

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 3824 }

30) What is a text table?


text table is the contan of description of code contain in
multiple language

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

Question { 3996 }

31)Explain the User master setting for date and Time


dd/mm/yyyy for date and hh/mm/ss is used for time

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

Question { Novellus, 9188 }

what is standard , sorted and hash in abap ?


standard int table is general standard table, sorted int
table is work on sorted algorithm, and hashed int table for
worked on hashed algorithm

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 6 No

Question { ITC Infotech, 8798 }

how do the sub-total in sap scripts


write the subroutine of the specified field you have to
calculate.. and write the subtotal of the that field

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 4 No

Question { Accenture, 30314 }

My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump.
how will u handle this issue?


when internal table exeed the limit it cant show the dump ..
other records are stored in the private memory of the work area.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 10 No