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test case for pen?? with actual value and expected calue


4 Test Cases 9157

Answers / { shilpa }

Question { Four soft, 8192 }

What r block box technique


Testing techinique can be used to effectively desgin
efficient test cases.These techinique can be grouped into
blockbox and white box testing.
BlockBox testing techiniques:
when creating block box test cases , the input data used is
critical. Three successful techiniques or managing the
amount of input sata reuires include:

1.Equivalance partitioning.
2. Boundary Analysis.
3.Error guessing.

Euivalance partitioning is a techinique for testing
equivalance classes rather than undertaking exhaustive
testing of each value of the larger class. for example
a program which edit credit limits within a given range
(1,000 -1,500) would have three equivalance classes;
< 1,000 ( invalid)
Between 1,000 and 1,500 ( valid)
> 1,500 ( in valid)

A techinique that consist of developing test cases and data
that focus on the input and output boundaries of a given
function. In same credit limit example, boundary analysis
would test:

Low boundary +/- one(999 and 1,001)
on the boundary ( 1,000 and 1, 500)
Upper boundary +/- one(1,499 and 1,501)

Test cases can be developed based upon the intuition and
experience of the tester . For example in an example where
one of the inputs is the date, a tester may try february
29, 2000

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { ABC, 15295 }

what is exploratory Testing?


Exploratory testing is simultaeous learning , test design
and test executtion. It is type of adhoc testing, but here
tester does not have that much idea about the application,
he explores the system in an attempt to learn the
application and simultaneously test it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 4 No

Question { 5585 }

What is the difference between QA and testing?


Quality assurance , deals with "preventation" of defect
when product being develped. It is associated with process
and process improvement activities.

Testing meance Quality control , its focus defect detection
and removal.

Quality control measures the Quality of product.

Quality Assurance measures the Quality of process when
product being developed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 19938 }

What is the difference between sanity testing and smoke testing


Sanity test:

Sanity test is also called as test accesptance test and it
it will be done to check whether the application is coming
for testing full filling the requirements or not. which it
supposed to have

Smoke testing:

Smoke tsting is conducted after sanity testing, the
purpose is whether there is any danger or smoke if we
accept application for test.

Sanity test testing is done positive perception and smoke
testing is done negative perception

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

Question { Accenture, 17037 }

What is the format of bug report?


Defectid| Defect Description |Steps for reproducability |
submitter | Date of Submission | version no | Build no |
Assigned to | Priority | Severity | Status

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

Question { 10168 }

what is difference between regression & retesting?


Regression testing:

Testing the application after changes in a modular part of
an application for testing that is the code change will
affect rest of the application.

Retesting :

Retesting meance we testing only certain part of an
application again and not considering how it will effect in
other part or in the whole application

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No