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why to create a custom BAPI if the BAPI already exists? y to find BAPI again? frankly even i dint undstnd tne question properly. if any one come across this q please do anser me.



Answers / { theabapconsultant }

Question { 4050 }

what is the difference between at first & at new
statements ?


at first means it takes the very first record generally column names, at new means it is triggered for every new field.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 3368 }

Difference between MACRO and SUBROUTINE ?


we cant pass the values in macros and macros cant be called in the other report just as external subroutine. report specific.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 20036 }

How will you display top 5 records form an internal table ?


i think
do 5 times.
read itab with key xxx.
ktab-xxxx = itab-xxxx.
append ktab.

it myt work

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

Question { TCS, 6954 }

Folder types in smatforms?


there are two uses by using folder nodes. protection: as said earlier it is used as a protect endprotect in scripts
2. logical grouping. if you want to put a condition on group some text elements then you can write the code in folder and apply condition writing at once.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { CSC, 6905 }

1) How to maintain lists in dialog programming?
2)How to send greeting with different languages to
different regions in smartforms?
3)Can we transfer 100 screen data to pass 200 screen?
4)In reports 1st list o/p can be consider as i/p of 2nd list
how it maintains?
5) In lsmw data length 20 chars only but there is 24 chars
field how can u manage?
6)What is the diff b/w OK_CODE n SY_UCOMM?


1. by using table control
2. i dunno but i l go for se63 as above said.
3.yes by selecting push button or function key or double click or menu button.take the the cursor position values as the input and provide code for next scree.
4. hide, get cursor, read line these are some of the methods used to maintain the line data that is output selected data.
5. even i dunno that it accept 20 chars only
6.ok_code is user defined and sy_ucomm is system defined.lenth of ok_code is not fixed but sy_come is fixed. we can clear ok_code data as it varies but sy_ucomm is system defined so cant be deleted.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 8523 }

what is template in smartform?


a collecction of variable line types in a single table like sructure is called template.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 6884 }

how to block selection scree


loop at screen.
screen-input = 1
screen-active = 0
or screen-invisible = 0.

this is the way i think to clock the selection screen.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 1 No

Question { Yash Technologies, 6503 }

what is the output of given code?
data : f1 type i,
f2 type i.
write : / f1, f2.
do 2 times.
perform addfld.
write : / f1, f2.

form addfld.
data : f1 type i, f2 type i.
add 1 to f1.
add 1 to f2.
write : / f1 , f2.

int : f1 , f2.


0 0
1 1
2 2
2 2
this myt be the correct answer

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 6 No

Question { 12886 }

How to get the spool number in smartforms?


tcode: sp01 here we can get the spool numbers in smartforms.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 5 No

Question { 4541 }

is it possible to insert records into structure?
if yes means how many records can be inserted?


no its not possible to insert records in the structure. name
itself represents that it is a schema or just a skeleton. it
wont occupy any memory.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 7997 }

how can you make select options as a parameter?


what is the use of no extensions here???

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { 5972 }

difference between BAPI and RFC?


Bapi i an RFC with out exceptions. instead it has got bapiret2 which gives the acknowledgement of success and failures.BAPI is defined in BOR where as rfc is not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 3974 }

what is event in abap?


event is an action triggered when user presses push button or menu button or funtction key.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

Question { 6415 }

what is the difference between [select single xxx from ...]
and [select * from ... up to one row]?


upto one row is faster than select * from
select single xxx from xxx into wa xx = xxx-xx means it will check all the fields and finally gives a first possible record in the selected group of record
select * from xxx in wa where xx-xxx upto one row means it retrieves only first possible record of table satisfying th condition.
please revert me if any issues with this answer. i dunno weather its ryt r rong.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

Question { IBM, 6859 }



value table is the table specified in the definition of a domain and is checked against all the fields that points the domain.
check table is that table if you define a foreign key that points this domain then the value table is considered to be a check table for that foreign key.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No