
{ City } chennai
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* Profession * freshers
User No # 42512
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Questions / { kiran }
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hi sir am a fresher just learning LAMP COURSE linux,apache,mysql and php .just i finished my M.C.A 2009 passed out ..can any one tell after i finish this course how much salary we expect in any php based company ? and also tell please how much salary we can demand as a fresher with my M.C.A qualification as a PHP fresher in a company ? how much we get atleast mininum as a PHP fresher in CHENNAI and Bangalore just send ur valuable suggestions to please guide to me sir

2 PHP 4616

am fresher in php finished my linux,apache,mysql,and php(LAMP) course please can any one tell openings for freshers in php ...And please tell how much i demand as a fresher in PHP field just say approximately or assumption ..? at present am staying in chennai am looking my job in chennai only or else in bangalore ... hello experts please answer this question ?


2 PHP 4203

can any one tell how to install LAMP server in terminal in ubuntu.....and also tell please how to run php files in ubunut and how to save and compile in ubuntu..i already installed ubuntu ..but i dont installed lamp server so i want to install lamp server in terminal is it possible please reply

2 PHP 3057

can any one find and tell the difference between dot net and php which one is best ? which one we get more salary? which one is stable and which one is best for freshers and also better in future and carrer ? which one we wil get more salary sir ? please send ur valuable suggestions to

3 PHP 5164

which one is more flexibility and reliability and durability (VS)php which one is best and which one we do nice to create dynamic websites


ASP.NET 1682

hello experts good morning to everyone ! at present am now learning LAMP course sir( linux, apache,mysql and php) after finishing this course can i create my own website without investment is it possible ? please can any one tell sir and also tell me how can i upload my project after finishing the project in internet ? please tell the ways sir please send ur valuable suggestions to

2 PHP 3214

am installed windows and later i installed ubuntu i want to unistall ubuntu can any one tel the procedure to uninstall ubuntu in my windows 7 please mail to me and later i want to install ubuntu after uninstalling ubuntu tel the procedure for that also i dont know to patrition the hard disk drive please tel to them please reply

1 Linux AllOther 2954

please can any one tell is there any openings for freshers in PHP ...please tell the company name and address sir where can i find ..php related companies and how much i expect salary as a fresher in php ..i finished my LAMP course i done my mca ..i seen in many job portals there is no job for freshers in php can any one tel me please in chennai i need php jobs ..? thank u friends

1 PHP 3309

at present am learning lamp course sir ..i want to know the carrer prospectus in php there any companies recruiting freshers in chennai ..for freshers how much can i demand as a fresher in php ....?i finished my mca ..please sugggest me to face interview in php asking salary details and all please suggest me how much can i ask as a fresher in php ? and also tel is there any openings in chennai for recruting php freshers send their emails and company info please ? please send ur valuable suggestions to i hope u wil reply to my question thank u guys bye take care see u soon all the best to everyone

Microsoft, Satyam,

1 PHP 2952

hi friends am kiran am mca 2009 passed out what is sap ? what is the future of sap ? how much salary for freshers in sap? and experiences people ? is sap best carrer to our future ? can we learn sap by our own in our home ? best websites to download free software and study material from basics ? please kindly provide the details of the course details and everything becuase am new to sap please send ur valuable suggestions to

1 SAP HR (Human Resource Management) 2703

Suggest me about CRM ? And scope for sugar crm ?

1 CRM General 3936

Answers / { kiran }

Question { 9219 }

hi to all i am fresher in php and want to learn php and
want a fresher job in php. how to total time i expend to
learn php and what is freshers salary.


hi uma maheswari madam at present am learning LAMP course
linux, apache,mysqland php madam

please tel when wil interview conduct and where madam

am done my mca 2009 passed out fresher

madam plz tel the salary package and place of interview

plz mail to

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 18654 }

Why multiple inheritance is not possible in c#


because in c sharp dot net we implementing the interface
concept so here ..multiple inheritence is not possible so
thats the reason

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 69 No

Question { 5649 }

explain the changes in php version


in php versions are increasing day by day with some concepts
additionaly involving


upto php 4 version we use only for loop for all statements

in php 5 u can use foreach loop also

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 12044 }

Different between the var_dump() and print_r()?


var_dump also displays the variable type (int, string,
array, etc.) and "length".


Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 3 No

Question { 3864 }

what is Opern source?


open source in the sense u need not to pay single paise to
buying softwares and installing and maintaining

u can download at a free of cost it is big competition to
say good bye to microsoft

try download os like ubuntu and lots of free source
softwares and enjoy

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

Question { 3892 }

hi..this is m,uch time req for php
preparation?is any coaching avaiable in vizag for php?


sir am interested to learn php can u tell the fees

send details to

i already learnt lamp course in chennai but am not satisfied
with that centre

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