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Questions / { vignesh }
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Answers / { vignesh }

Question { Sonata, 7485 }

which will be first in c compiling ,linking or compiling


the first will be compilation process , then the linking will be intermediate to compilation and run will be at last......

compilation is a process of spiliting up ur program instructions into tokens, words , keywords etc and match with the syntax defined in the compiler............. it's like spiliting the english sentances........into words and words to characters./........

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { CitiGroup, 46536 }

int x=5;
printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x<<2,x>>2);


the answer is 0 0 0 ...

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 11 No

Question { CitiGroup, 46536 }

int x=5;
printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x<<2,x>>2);


oh oh , sorry , i didnt see the value of x is 5....

4 4 1

than k u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 11 No

Question { CitiGroup, 20414 }

char *ptr = "Ramco Systems";
Find the Outputs?


Samco systems
amco systems

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 5 No

Question { 11692 }

A 3 digit number is such that it's unit digit is equal to
the product of the other two digits which are prime. Also,
the difference between it's reverse and itself is 396.

What is the sum of the three digits?


the number is : x*1+y*10+z*100 (236)

second eq: (z*1+y*10+x*100)-(x*1+y*10+z*100)=396 ,
solving this we get x-z=4

given that z&y are prime so it can only take 2,3,5,7 oly.
putting this trial we can solve and we will end up in

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Question { DELL, 22170 }

A positive integer that, when added to 1000 gives a sum
which is greater than when multiplied by 1000.

Find the positive integer.


its 1 :)

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Question { 18023 }

can u prove that 1=2?
is it possible?


we have natural numbers which starts with 0,1,2,3,4... and
whole numbers (+ve alone) is 1,2,3,4..

0 1 2 3 4 . . .

1 2 3 4 5 . . .

when seen with respect to the order and equalling we can
prove 1=2

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 60078 }

Write a program in c to input a 5 digit number and print it
in words.


OK HERE they are asking for 5 digits , but if somewhere
they ask for 'n' digit numbers , then that a[6] wont work
there , Whenever u do a program u will also think of the
worst cases then only we must develop a program...... in all
situations ur program should work!!!!!!!! that's speaks !!

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 37 No

Question { IBM, 22371 }

The code is::::: if(condition)
What will be the condition in if in such a way that both
Hello and world are printed in a single attempt?????? Single
Attempt in the sense... It must first print "Hello" and it
Must go to else part and print "World"..... No loops,
Recursion are allowed........................


but goto is not a good sort of programming ............. a
well knowledgeable programmer wont use goto..... according
to me........... plz think of any other logic??????????

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 5 No

Question { IBM, 22371 }

The code is::::: if(condition)
What will be the condition in if in such a way that both
Hello and world are printed in a single attempt?????? Single
Attempt in the sense... It must first print "Hello" and it
Must go to else part and print "World"..... No loops,
Recursion are allowed........................


but yhe printf statement will print one "hello" and one
world.......................... but i said it must enter to
the if part as well as else part controls..............
before a long time baxk itself i tried this method.........
then only i read the question of IBM properly

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 4 No

Question { 9701 }

*suppose u have 2 distribute a sum rs 50 among 30 studnt .it
is also decided that a male student will get double than of
female student.find the no. of male n female student of class?


the answer is girls are 10 and boys are 20.... we haVE to
give rs 50 to 30 students... so 1st i saw wat will be the
maximum amount that each can get so it:

50/30=1.67 rs. so surely girls must get lesser than this
since it's given male gets double than female,...

so taking two easiest divisibilities 1.25 and 2.50 we can
get for one female and one male.... and compute it...

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 14634 }

if (x-a) power(degree) is 1 and (x-a)(x-b) power is 2 then
(x-a)(x-b).........upto ...(x-z) power(degree) is how much?


the answer is 0........ there will be a term which will be
(x-x) , and since it is multiplication , the whole term will
be zero

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

Question { 3771 }

what are the general concepts of c and c++



Basics dealing with declaration of variables and constants....

Control Structures (if, if-else , switch)
Looping structures (for,while,do-while)
Macros and CONSTANTS
FUNCTIONS (Sub routines)

in C++ :

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { TCS, 28629 }

Classic: If a bear walks one mile south, turns left and
walks one mile to the east and then turns left again and
walks one mile north and arrives at its original position,
what is the color of the bear


the color will be black

thank u

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 26 No

Question { Microsoft, 37389 }

what type of language is C?


C usually a MIDDLE LEVEL language.... why it is called so because it can perform bitwise operations directly and also can perform user understandable operations like printf , scanf, looping etc etc......

here the bitwise operations are those where we can communicate directly through hardware using the OS.......

and also ASSEMBLY LEVEL Programming (ALP) can also be done to the processor direclty through C.......

thank s

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 11 No

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