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Questions / { nagaraju }
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in database table is thier . in that table fields are photoid , photoname,photo... i want display image in the gridview


5 ASP.NET 6926

Answers / { nagaraju }

Question { HCL, 18909 }

What is dataset and uses of dataset ?


1. datasert is connection less in memory representation of
the data xml represention.
2. once the data load into dataset their is no need to
maintain the live connection.
3.once dataset is collection of any no.of datatable
objects.the information of these table may be taken from
diff datasource.
4.the dataset updatable
5.the data set will represent the information inthe xml
format internally

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

Question { Microsoft, 22388 }



server controls run server side and html controls run
browser side and as well as client side . the html controls
run on server side using runat="server"

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 2 No

Question { Microsoft, 22388 }



ASP.NET Server Controls

1. ASP .NET Server Controls can however detect the target
browser's capabilities and render themselves accordingly.
No issues for compatibility issues of Browsers i.e page
that might be used by both HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 browsers
code to be written by you.
2. Newer set of controls that can be used in the same
manner as any HTMl control like Calender controls. (No need
of Activex Control for doing this which would then bring up
issues of Browser compatibility).
3. Processing would be done at the server side. In built
functionality to check for few values(with Validation
controls) so no need to choose between scripting language
which would be incompatible with few browsers.
4. ASP .NET Server Controls have an object model different
from the traditional HTML and even provide a set of
properties and methods that can change the outlook and
behavior of the controls.
5. ASP .NET Server Controls have higher level of
abstraction. An output of an ASP .NET server control can be
the result of many HTML tags that combine together to
produce that control and its events.


1. The control of the code is inbuilt with the web server
controls so you have no much of direct control on these
2. Migration of ASP to any ASP.NET application is
difficult. Its equivalent to rewriting your new application
HTML Server Controls

1. The HTML Server Controls follow the HTML-centric object
model. Model similar to HTML
2. Here the controls can be made to interact with Client
side scripting. Processing would be done at client as well
as server depending on your code.
3. Migration of the ASP project thought not very easy can
be done by giving each intrinsic HTML control a runat =
server to make it HTML Server side control.
4. The HTML Server Controls have no mechanism of
identifying the capabilities of the client browser
accessing the current page.
5. A HTML Server Control has similar abstraction with its
corresponding HTML tag and offers no abstraction.

1. You would need to code for the browser compatibility.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No