Topic :: Digital

Digital Interview Questions
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why we are using digital signals for I/O & how to measure this signals is getting or not ?


what is digital certificate?


3 8637

what is the difference between analog and digital communications? which is the efficient communication??

6 82700

How do we generate a digital certificate

2 4514

What is the differance between Digital Energy meter & Static energy meter? why the KWH diferance between both meters.

Raychem RPG,

3 20562

Explain how thw analog to digital converter works with the circuit diagram


Discuss any three advantages that digital systems have over analog

4 7640

what is difference between digital and discrete signals?

6 26230

what is the Analog signal and what is the Digital signal

4 6448

Hello.. i have a question. which signature digital or signature logo we use in smartforms & scripts...? if we use digital sign what are those steps to use it...?



How can I indicate rpm on digital rpm meter with help of simple tacho output? tacho output is 90v at 3000rpm.


2 3250

why we connect digital multimeter in series for dc current measurement and parallel for dc voltage measurement.

4 8543

The linearity error for a digital input is indicated by what???


What is DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

1 2551

what is the difference between Digital output DO signals /Commands for start/stop and Solenoid valves ??

1 3832

Un-Answered Questions { Digital }

What role do you see for the use of authentication processes such as digital signatures in helping to maintain version control?


What are digital certificates ?


How are digital certificates used ?


How is RSA used for authentication and digital signatures in practice ?


What is a digital signature and what is authentication ?


What is a digital envelope ?


What is digital timestamping ?


Write a program to generate a pulse width frequency of your choise,which can be variable by using the digital port of your processor


I m Abdullah Ansari compleated MCA from Jamia Hamdard,i have appeared the test of IBM on 2 august at oxford college of engineering Bangalore.waiting for hr round.. This is the first round for IBM.02/08/08 Paper consists of 4 sections 15 questions from matrices(time very less but no negative marking). 25 questions from series completion section (this section is very easy but negative marking) 15 questions from aptitude(little bit tough time limit 15 minute negative marking) 4th section is from computer science (c,c++,operating system,digital electronics ,basic question..) result came at 3 o'clock.i was selected... In interview they asked questions like 1 they asked about final yr project.. 2 what are dynamic and static memory location? 3 linked list and array difference between them. 4 what is function ? what is difference betwen function and inline function? 5 about structure 6 about binary tree, traversal, call by value. 7 storage class and many more basic questions..


what are essential components of digital computer? discuss the function of each components. draw the block diagram of a computer showing its essential components


what is the difference between online & offline caliberation of KWH meters. Can Digital meters be caliberated


define digital electronic


I am having a Phoenix digital to modbus converter. The o/p of the same is connected to flow computer FB407. But the digital signals are updated only after one minute in the flow computer. what may be the cause of delay in communication? Flow computer is having a scanning period of less than 1 sec.


how to set the time in digital timer ?


how to measure the current by compact digital equipment with dislay which fit inside any equipment