Topic :: Games

Games Interview Questions
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In June a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average? A. 12 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30


5 8973

Commonwealth Games data for google interveiw



bichung bhutia belongs to which game

Civil Service,

3 4551

A game that has five levels of play has the score for each level stored in an array. You are to write a program that goes through that array and finds: a) the minimum score, and the level at which it occurred b) the maximum score, and the level at which it occurred c)the average score for all five levels The score data you must use for this program are as follows: Game Level Score 1 450 2 316 3 148 Stack implementations is mandatory.


Can you think of a logic behind the game minesweeper.


how to making game in c++ ?


can we make game by using c


1 3446

How to test the Online Games?? Suggest tricks. I have experience in server-client application testing.


What is Configuration mangament


1 3840

can anyone tell me what is Game testing online casino Slot machine any sample test cases or scenarios


How to use High Level Recruit Card in the game of Grand Battle? I have downloaded the free Android game Grand Battle on Google Play, I love it very much. And yesterday I got a high level recruit card, but I do not know how to use it. Could any Grand Battle fans help me? I cannot wait to find the way! Thank you so much.

1 2758

What do you think is the most fascinating game? Hi, I am a big game fan. Could anyone introduce some fascinating game for me? Thank you!

1 2636

Some questions about the free Android game Grand Battle. Hi, I am a Grand Battle fan. In the process of playing the game, I get some problems. I really want to be a perfect commander and defeat my enemies. Senior players, just lend me a hand, please. Many thanks. 1. How to increase population? 2. How to repair combat vehicles? 3. Where's the storage? 4. How to attack other players? 5. What should I do if the electric power is insufficient? 6. How to repair constructions? 7. What should I do if I'm not able to login the game, or the game gets stuck? 8. What should I do if the medals purchased haven't be received?


Does anyone know some strategies for the free android game Grand Battle? Need you help!! I really love the game Grand Battle, and I fell excited when I defeat the enemies and protect my base as a commander. Now I think I need some strategies to improve my performance and to lead a strong army, could anyone help me? Thank you so much!

1 2811

Could anyone tell me how to get a quick start in the Game of Grand Battle? Hi, I am a game fan. I have downloaded the free Android game Grand Battle on Google Play, and I enjoy the game design so much. As a beginner, I am eager to get a quick start guide. I hope the senior Grand Battle game players can help me. Thanks a lot.

1 2507

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Un-Answered Questions { Games }

Hey I like to play online games .I damn crazy about it.My favorite one is sudoku and I have good steps to solve sudoku which I got from Tell me some good online games list and some steps to solve that..


write a program for the normal snake games find in most of the mobiles.


Alphametics are puzzles where each letter stands for a different digit. Here are two alphametics. No word can begin with a zero. We’ve started you out with some of the letters. BASE + BALL -------------- GAMES what these alphabets represent


Commonwealth Games data for google interveiw


How to test the Online Games?? Suggest tricks. I have experience in server-client application testing.


What is planning? How is it used, and what are its advantages? Is it feasible to use planning in real-time games? If so, name any titles where planning has been used for any part of the AI. Describe the architecture of a planning-based AI system for any genre of game.


effects of video games?


Four Members A, B, C, D are playing a game .A person losing a game should double the amount of others .B, C, D are losing in order after three games .The amount after 3 games are A&B having 40,D is having 16&C 80. Who started with small amount of money?


Four Members A, B, C, D are playing a game .A person losing a game should double the amount of others .B, C, D are losing in order after three games .The amount after 3 games are A&B having 40,D is having 16&C 80. Who started with greatest amount of money?


Four Members A, B, C, D are playing a game .A person losing a game should double the amount of others .B, C, D are losing in order after three games .The amount after 3 games are A&B having 40,D is having 16&C 80.What amount did B have?


Hansie made the following amounts in seven games of cricket in India: Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.21, Rs.12, Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.17(all figures in crores of course).Find his average earnings.


I and two of my friends were playing a game. For each win I get Rs 3. Totally I had three wins. Player 2 got Rs.9 and player 3 got Rs 12. How many games had been played?


15 tennis players take part in a tournament. Every player plays twice with each of his opponents. How many games are to be played?


There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players, and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games. 8 of them plays at least two games. They are 50 altogether. How many of them plays none of the games.


Do you have any idea about Common wealth games? In which year they will be held?