For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / jay prakash

Usability testing is itself a big term. In usability
testing you perform lots of test scenarios which a user can
or cannot peroform in real world when he/she uses the
product. It is a simulation of actual scenarios.

So it cannot be performed only manually or only by
automation. Both are required in equal ratios.

Please let me know if it satisfies your query.

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / jay prakash

Hello Sameer,

Let me try to answer you:

>>"in which scinarios we will use automation "
Before any automation we generally do a feasibility study
based on several factors. As the output of that study we
list out the test cases / use cases which can or cannot be
automated. The use cases identified for automation should
be automated.

>>"which tool?"
again the tools can't be defined at this stage. that
depends on your project needs. there are several automation
tools available in the market. what suits best for your
project you should use that.

>>"Can usability testing be conducted by QTP?"
Yes. QTP can also be used for the automation part for
usability testing. But it is not the only tool. This
depends on your project needs. Suppose u have to automate
in linux than QTP can't help you.

Please let me know if i make myself clear.

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / kiran.kulkarni

Usability testing is done by manual testing not by
Automation tools.How the application user friendly for end
users identified oly through manual testing.Testers have to
test the application in user aspect of view.

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / nnr

Usability testing nothing but test the user frendlyness of
the application so in this case no matter of regression or
any other types...
finally we(tester) need to test the application as a common
user so it is purly manual testing...

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / sameer

Jay prakash !! I understand where we can implement manual
testing but in which scinarios we will use automation and
which tool? Can usability testing be conducted by QTP?

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For Usability testing, which is preferable Automation or Manual?..

Answer / sameer

Understandable answer given by Jay Prakash, Thank you for
your quick reply.


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