why do we use both location and index identifier.

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why do we use both location and index identifier...

Answer / jay prakash

There are 3 types of ordinal identifiers available in qtp.
They are:
1) Location : qtp will create sequence of numbers from 0,
1, 2, 3…. Based on the objects located on the application
or aut.

2) Index : qtp will create sequence of numbers from 0, 1,
2, 3…. Based on the code implemented or developed for the

3) Creation Time :qtp will create sequence of numbers from
0, 1, 2, 3…. Based on the loading time of the web pages

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why do we use both location and index identifier...

Answer / prasad

If both the mandatory properties and assistive properties
are fails to identify uniquely, QTP uses ordinal property
(Index and location) to the description to recognize the
object uniquely.

Types of ordinal identifiers to identify an object are
i) Index
ii) Location
iii) Creation Time
an example of ordinal identifier:

Suppose there are 2 “Back” button link(i.e back to the
previous page)in a web page. Hence these two will be differ
from each other by their “Location”.

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