What is the difference between "call" and "callclose"

What is the difference between "call" and "callclose"..

Answer / jay prakash

You can use two types of call statements to invoke one test
from another:

A call statement invokes a test from within another test.

A call_close statement invokes a test from within a script
and closes the test when the test is completed.

The call statement has the following syntax:
call test_name ( [ parameter 1, parameter 2, ...parameter
n ] );

The call_close statement has the following syntax:
call_close test_name ( [ parameter 1, parameter 2, ...
parameter n ] );

The test_name is the name of the test to invoke. The
parameters are the parameters defined for the called test.

The parameters are optional. However, when one test calls
another, the call statement should designate a value for
each parameter defined for the called test. If no
parameters are defined for the called test, the call
statement must contain an empty set of parentheses.

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