How can Loading video files in AS3?

How can Loading video files in AS3?..

Answer / dindayal dhakar

Loading videos using the NetStream and NetConnection
classes is a multistep process:
1. The first step is to create a NetConnection object.
The NetConnection class lets you play streaming FLV files
from either an HTTP address or a local drive by passing the
value null to the connect() method, if you are connecting
to a local FLV file that is not using a server such as
Adobe's Flash Media Server 2 or Adobe Flex.
2. var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
3. nc.connect(null);
4. The second step is to create a NetStream object
which takes a NetConnection object as a parameter and
specify which FLV file you want to load. The following
snippet connects a NetStream object to the specified
NetConnection instance and loads an FLV named video.flv in
the same directory as the SWF file:
5. var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
6. ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR,
8. function asyncErrorHandler
9. {
10. // ignore error
11. }
12. The third step is to create a new Video object and
attach the previously created NetStream object using the
Video class's attachNetStream() method. Then you can add
the video object to the display list using the addChild()
method, as seen in the following snippet:
13. var vid:Video = new Video();
14. vid.attachNetStream(ns);

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