CGI Perl Interview Questions
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what r the future opportunities in PERL/LINUX after 3 years ??

3 7645

What is the Common Gateway Interface?

2 6270

I have created a CGI-based page,after entering all the values in to the fields, How to get the output on the web browser using Perl

4 6156

How to find out the version of PERL being installed on your LINUX machine.

Mind Tree,

4 10158

What arguments do you frequently use for the Perl interpreter and what do they mean?

4 14327

What does the command "use strict" do and why should you use it?

Symphony, TCS,

2 15628

What do the symbols $ @ and % mean when prefixing a variable?


1 11215

What elements of the Perl language could you use to structure your code to allow for maximum re-use and maximum readability?

1 9119

What are the characteristics of a project that is well suited to Perl?

1 7357

Why do you program in Perl?

4 11444

Explain the difference between my and local?

2 9029

Explain the difference between use and require?


5 31167

What?s your favorite module and why?

3 9818

Write a simple regular expression to match an IP address, e-mail address, city-state-zipcode combination.

15 55092

What purpose does each of the following serve: -w, strict, - T ?

2 7842

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Un-Answered Questions { CGI Perl }

Write a program to concatenate the $firststring and $secondstring and result of these strings should be separated by a single space.


What does next statement do in perl?


what are the steps involved in reading a cgi script on the server?


How to concatenate strings with perl?


How do I pass a command line argument in perl?


What does the q{ } operator do?


What is perl pop array function?


Write syntax to use grep function?


How many loop control keywords are there in perl?


Demonstrate subroutines in perl with a simple example.


How the interpreter is used in Perl?


In Perl we can show the warnings using some options in order to reduce or avoid the errors. What are that options?


Which functions in perl allows you to include a module file.


How to access parameters passed to a subroutine in perl?


What is the importance of perl warnings? How do you turn them on?