Bank reconcliation statement.

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / ramesh punniyakotti

A bank reconciliation statement is a statement prepared by
organizations to reconcile the balance of cash at bank in a
company's own records with the bank statement on a
particular date.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 2 No

Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / knareshmba

It is a statement to identify exact balance in the bank.


Finally we can find the BRS in

1) Cheques issued but not cleared
2) Cheques deposited but not credited
3) Bank charges.
4) Un known credits and debits.

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 8 No

Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / ullas patil kulkarni

BRS is an Statement which is prepared to find the differnce
amount in the cashbook and passbook, it can be prepared by
both Bank and individuals who maintain cashbook.
It reconcile the diffrence amount,due to the late entry
made in the books.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 6 No

Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / prashanthi

bank reconciliation statement means to reconcile the
difference between the bank book and the cash book

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / kishore

Brs is a statement which provides complete and satisfactory
explanation regarding the causes of differeces between cash
and bank balances.

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / phani kumar

A bank reconciliation statement is prepared to reconcile the balances and explains the difference on a particular date, generally at the end of a period.some of the characteristics of the BRS as follows

1. The BRS has been prepared on a particular date, preferably at the end of the month.
2. The BRS is prepared essentially to as certain the reasons for disagreement of bank balances shown by cash book and pass book.
3. this statement has been prepared by the customer only. but not by the bank in any case.
4. this may be prepared to examine the mistakes committed in the passbook.
5. The BRS is prepared to find out exact bank balance.

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / venkat

BRS is a statement which is preprad to find the differntce
amount in the cashbook and passbook, it can be prepared by
both bank and individuals who maintain cashbook.

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / sripalreddy.s

It is a process of reconciliation with bank book to pass
book, end of the date the bank balace closing balace and
pass book balances will be same.if there is any differeces,
that differeces will be shown in bank reconciliation

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / sunil kumar

the bank reconcliation statement is show different between
the pass book and cash the cash is maintain bank and the
pass book is maintain by customer.

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Bank reconcliation statement...

Answer / mallikarjunarao

the time lag refers to the time gap between the recording
of transactions in the cash book and pass book
a statement prepared by uncommon adustments of cash book
and pass book to find out the reasons of difference in the
balance as shown by the trader's cash book and banker's
pass book though the preparation of bank reconcliation
statement is not a pary of double entry system it is
prepared in the intrest of the management and accountant

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