Hi All,

I am a beginner in QTP and have understood the basics of QTP
by going through tutorial.
I am trying to Automate a HRMIS application, What is the
right approach to Automate this application. Kindly answer.

Thanks in advance

Hi All, I am a beginner in QTP and have understood the basics of QTP by going through tutorial. ..

Answer / nanda.d reddy

Hi dude,

the approach will be..

1 . First Identify the scenarios and test cases to be automated.
2. Do naming conventions to all scenarios.
3. Separate the Reusable scenarios, which we can use across
in all modules. and module specific scenarios.
4. Prepare the test data.
5. Now come to QTP, Identify the install the add in, that
application supports. For Example: Application is developed
with Java, Add in should be Java.
6. Capture required objects to Object Repository (some times
u have to Descriptive also), and save that object repository
as shared repository(do this by using repository manager
window, not with repository window).
7. Associate the shared repository to test.
8. Take one scenario, which is identified to automate in step 1.
9. Paste the required test data in Data Table( Data table
will be used only in basic level, in general it will be in
external excel sheet)
10. Use Environment variables to store global
variables(Global variables means which can be used in all
the scripts, by all the testers and in all environments).
These variables should be stored in external XML file. and
later u have to import that XML file in to script.
11. Write the script for each step by step. for validation
of every step use exist method, getROProperty and Different
types of operators.
12. make sure that each script should contain only one test
case or scenario.
13. If scenario is reusable, then make that automation
script as reusable.
14. if u r using some lines of script many more times, it is
better to put those script in functions.
15. Do not use any checkpoints.
16. If u r getting any unexpected pop ups use recovery
manager, else do not.

you told u are still basic, so these steps are enough for
u now.

If you get any doubts, mail me at:
nanda.dreddy@gmail.com by referring the URL of this

Nanda.D Reddy

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