What exactly is a hyperdescriptor? How does it work?

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What exactly is a hyperdescriptor? How does it work?..

Answer / niki

Hi friends,

I don't know much about hyperdescripto rbut i can tell you
something on this

Its a special kind of discriptor,It is an extension of
Super descriptor and can have maximum of 20 fields.The
hyperdescriptor option can be used to generate descriptor
values based on a user-supplied algorithm.With
hyperdescriptors, “fuzzy” matching is possible; i.e.,
retrieving data based on similar rather than on exact
search criteria. Hyperdescriptors allow multiple virtual
indexes, meaning that several different search index
entries can be made for a single data field.

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What exactly is a hyperdescriptor? How does it work?..

Answer / omu

Accelerated dynamic property access
it is used to make TypeDescriptor (reflection) work much
faster (using code generation)

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What exactly is a hyperdescriptor? How does it work?..

Answer / jaydip chakrabarty

No, it is more like phonetic descriptor.

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