What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / denson

A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organisation is
responsible for performing a process or a part of a process
of another business organisation; outsourcing is done to
save on costs or gain in productivity.

A call centre performs that part of a client's business
which involves handling telephone calls. A call centre, for
example, might handle customer complaints coming in over a

Thus, a call centre can be considered a BPO organisation.
The converse is, however, not true because there exist BPO
organisations, such as medical transcription agencies, which
handle their business through websites, and do not process
any telephone calls on behalf of their clients.

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / p.sankar pattnaik

BPO is a process of hiring another company who will work on
behalf of you.BPO always work as an intermediate between
the parent company and client company.

where as call centre is asmall organisation which helps the
various kinds of customer to short out their problems.call
centre is a part of BPO.

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / ram

call centre is a part of bpo

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / gaurave bhatla

A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organisation is
responsible for performing a process or a part of a process
of another business organisation; outsourcing is done to
save on costs or gain in productivity.
A call center performs that part of a client's business
which involves handling telephone calls. A call center, for
example, might handle customer complaints coming in over a

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / k.manoj

A call centre is a company that offers services related to taking and making calls like customer service or technical support. On the other hand, a BPO company offers a wide range of services -- not just call center services. BPO means Business Process Outsourcing. That means companies outsource some of their work like back-office, data mining, digital marketing, medical billing, voice transcription, accounting and finance operations, and forms processing to these BPO companies.

One of the leading BPO/Call Center companies is Magellan Solutions. It offers a wide range of services covering inbound call center services, outbound call center services, and BPO solutions.

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What is the difference between BPO and CALL CENTRE ?..

Answer / rajesh

A bpo is an organisatiom where the owner of the company takes tha task to perform of another company, where as call center are the customer care operational organisations on the behalf of a company

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