what is the difference between Cpp And Java

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what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / shankar

every one says java does not supports multiple inheritance
but in java the multiple inheritance will be done .by using
interface concept there the multiple inheritance will be

cpp had pointers
java does not had pointers

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 3 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / madhu

cpp is not 100% object oriented programming language,
because primitives are not objects in cpp,
whereas java is said to be 100% pure object oriented
programing language, because we can convert the primitives
into objects by using the concept called 'wrapping'.

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 7 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / segi reddy

1. cpp is platform dependent where as java is platform
2. #define, typedef are available in cpp where as in java
others are availble to achieve it.
3. goto statement is there in Cpp where as in java it is
not available.
4. there are 4 types of access specifiers are available in
java and in Cpp only 3 types are available.
5. No header files in Java.
6. no Pointers concept in java.
7. Destructors are not available in java

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 1 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / tulasi prasad

in java no pointers concept
there is no friend,::(Scope Resolution)etc..
no operator overloading except +
no header file concept
no macros
no destructors(Garbage Collecter is there in java)

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 1 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / chaitanyadeepthi

why we create dynamic objects in java unlike in cpp

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what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / sridhar

Java is not 100% object oriented because of the
primary data types. But we will do wrapping to convert
these to classes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / hady daaboul

java is a 100% oop language.that doesnt mean that who
developed it are proffessionals actually advantages in java
over cpp revealed disadvantages too..like the pointers
concept ..well yea java doesnt have pointers as users think
but its pointers based ... there is no way but that .java
doesnt allow overloading functions but it developed ready
packages rather than overloading...Well eventually this is
a hard debate that will not end coz in my point of view cpp
should be treated as a mother Language..It is really a
super powerfull language ..

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / xyz(gtcs071033)

cpp is the extention used for the c++ program file whereas the java for java file(.cpp or .java).
now we can say all those what these all have said...

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / twinkle

java is object oriented .cpp is not so

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

what is the difference between Cpp And Java..

Answer / sweety

cpp is not a object oriented language .java is the object
oriented programing language

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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