I have a doubt in qtp. Can you please clarify my doubt.

If we are importing the data from excel sheet in qtp the
the script is running the number of row times.

I mean if there are 4 rows in excel sheet the script is
running 4 times. cant we avoid this.

suppose i have tis script:

datatable.Import "C:\Documents and Settings\sailaja\My
n = datatable.GetRowCount
For i =1 to n
systemutil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury
datatable.SetCurrentRow i
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set DataTable
("Username", dtGlobalSheet)
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set DataTable
("Password", dtGlobalSheet)
Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX
("MaskEdBox").Type "020209"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
From:").Select "Frankfurt"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
To:").Select "Los Angeles"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights
Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "Sailaja"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu
("Menu").Select "File;New Order"
window("Flight Reservation").Close
I created a excel sheet with 3 rows and 2 columns.
(username and password). The script is running 9 times. I
made the option run one itaration only . eventhough it is
running 9 times .can u plaese clarify my doubt.


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Hi I have a doubt in qtp. Can you please clarify my doubt. If we are importing the data from ex..

Answer / sailaja

Hi Srikanth
Thankyou soo much. Now my script is running fine . Before I
did the same setting in keyword view->Action right click
Action call properties Run on all rows.But it did not
solved my problem . Once again thankyou soo much.


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Hi I have a doubt in qtp. Can you please clarify my doubt. If we are importing the data from ex..

Answer / sreekanth chilam

Hi Sailaja,

As by defalut in Test menu-->Settings-->Run Tab

Options will be -- Run on all rows
Hence if datatable contains 'n' number of rows, script will
execute that much number of times.

To avoid the above situation:

1.Go to Test menu-->Settings-->Run Tab
2.select "Run only one iteration" option button
3.Click Apply -> OK

4.In script give the below code

datatable.import "excel file path"
for i=1 to rowcount


Now see ur prolem will be solved.


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Hi I have a doubt in qtp. Can you please clarify my doubt. If we are importing the data from ex..

Answer / infanto

i have a question
Wen ever i use IE=createObject
QTP just navigates to the URL mentioned but doesn't
recognise the USErname and Password field so the test
But wen i just record and use system.util "iexplore"
the code recognises and the tst passes, but here it works
fine sometimes and sometimes the test just fails and
aftersometime i run it works.. so its not consistent,,, any

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