advantages of detailed filter??? and summarized filter???

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advantages of detailed filter??? and summarized filter???..

Answer / joydeep

detailed filters is used on the data items while summary
filters are used on the summary values in the report.

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advantages of detailed filter??? and summarized filter???..

Answer / kishore

detail filter is used before aggregation and summary fiter
is used after aggregation.

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advantages of detailed filter??? and summarized filter???..

Answer / bob

DF and SF are the most important question in Cognos
interviews. The answer shouild be given with examples. E.g.

When going for a detail filters the filters are applied on
individual data items in the report. And again we have to
keep in mind that a filter can be applied on two scnarios:

a) Before auto aggregation or after auto aggregation i.e.
before the data is brought into the cache or after the data
has been brought into the cache.

Similarly, Summary filter are applied on summary values in
the report. Here, again the above two conditions are

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advantages of detailed filter??? and summarized filter???..

Answer / abd hfz

Dtl Filter can be applied on Row & Summary filter can be
applied on columns as it has aggregate value.

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