what is the difference between group and association?

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what is the difference between group and association?..

Answer / guest

In cognos 'group' is used to suppess the duplicate
values..and 'associate' is used to suppress the values if
it is one-one relationship.

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what is the difference between group and association?..

Answer / vidya

When we group data, Cognos sorts the data item as we
grouped and removes duplicate values. We can organize our
report by grouping on one or more data items.

By associating a grouped data item to another data item we
can eliminate duplicate information from our report. We can
associate one or more data items with a grouped data item.

An association is a group of users joined together for a
purpose. Both group &Association eliminates duplicates
value but we can not use association alone.. An associated
data items hould have a one-to-one relationship with the
grouped data item.

For example Order No. is agrouped data item. For each order
number there is an Order Date. Order No. and Order Datehave
a one-to-one relationship.

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what is the difference between group and association?..

Answer / arroju_venkat

Both Group& Association eliminte duplicatesin a column.
But we can not use Association alone.
It should have one to one relationship with grouped column.

Using Association is a performance enhancement technique.

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what is the difference between group and association?..

Answer / user


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what is the difference between group and association?..

Answer / rajitha

Group - It Eliminates the Duplicate values from the report
break the columns . its having a one to many relationship.

It Eliminates the Duplicate values from the report and its
having one-one relationship....

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