Can you have CICS code in a copybook? If yes, what happens
during compilation?

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Can you have CICS code in a copybook? If yes, what happens during compilation?..

Answer / murugan


We can have CICS Code on the COPYBOOK. But On this
Case, You should have the Precompiler step Prior to the
Translator and Precompiler should have the SYSLIB where
your Copybook can get expanded.

Your COPYBOOK should be as INCLUDE XXXX Member but not
directly used as COPYBOOK COPY XXXX.

My System is having like this and Successfully running
for couple of Years!!!!!!!!

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Can you have CICS code in a copybook? If yes, what happens during compilation?..

Answer / abhijit

Yes you can definitely have CICS commands in a copy book.
The prerequisite is that you need to first compile the copy
book as CICSEXEC(in case you are using endevor) type. Or
else you can compile it with any JCL that has a precompiler
step in it. Once the copy book is compiled then it can be
used in the application program.

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Can you have CICS code in a copybook? If yes, what happens during compilation?..

Answer / manik

No, there should not any cics command in cics copy book

Because During Translation ,Translator gives two oupputs

Ther are 1.program listing as SYSPRINT

2.translated source as SYSPUNCH.

And copy books are included in the program during
compilation & afer Translation , so the exec cics commands
cannot cannot be translated & the system will not be able
to recognise those commands & will produce diagonistic
messages during compilation.

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