what is the difference between the modular framework and
datadriven frame work

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what is the difference between the modular framework and datadriven frame work..

Answer / jan

What do you mean by modular framework? I bet that a modular
framework can include datadriven components. Data driven
simply means that every aspect of your test, such as
environment variables, object definitions, configuration
variables, etc, are all pulled from a database or some
other structure that was built from data.

We are moving from a coded scripting.dictionary element
definition to a method by which name/value pairs are built
from data in a database, based on variables such as the
environment we are in (test, stage, prod), and the site we
are testing, or the usergroup setting, etc.

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what is the difference between the modular framework and datadriven frame work..

Answer / kyaw kyaw naing

Question makes no sense.
It's like asking "What the difference between a woman and a doctor?"

Being a woman and being a doctor are othogonal, not mutually exclusive.

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